Still Life Modeling

Hey Everyone!

It's been quite a while since I updated the blog, right?
Who am I kidding? It's been ages since I updated it...!!

Second year started a month ago and I didn't finish anything to post yet...
Untill now, That is!

Here are 10 still life models made using polygons in Maya...
(please don't laugh)

Let's start off with something sweet! Have a cupcake!

How about some ice-cream?

I made both of them using a cylinder and then twisting the loops using Lattice points.

I used half a sphere and a plane to make this cap.

Here is a pair of spectacles...I made them using a plane and extruding out the faces. Then I separated the pieces and added a pivot.

A rocking chair. I used curves and extrude face tool here. And I also used bridge tool.

A Bunk Bed using cubes and torus shape.

Here is a wall clock I made. I used many tools here like extrude face with curve, text curve etc.

A kerosene lamp made using the revolve tool and paint effects tool.

Here is a table lamp. I used mostly circles and cylinders to make this one. 

a computer table made using cube, extrude and many other tools...

And a pen stand made using animate's bend tool.

Well, That's all for now!
See you soon!


~~~~~~~Chinmayee. S


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