Tool Kit


Another assignment today! We were told to model the tools from a tool kit this time.
Then, we had to set up a garage with these tools.

Here are the tools: 


I used a plane and manipulated it to the pliers's shape, then I extruded it and gave it thickness.


Here, I used a pipe and cut it to get the desired spanner shape

Oil Can:

I used a cylinder, a helix and a pipe for this model.

A Screw:

This screw was done using only the primitive Helix.

A Hammer:

I used a plane and a cylinder to make this hammer.

Pry Bar:

I used a plane here. I also used a new tool called Sine deformer for this.

 Double sided Screwdriver:

This is done using a pipe and a cylinder.


I used planes, pipes and cylinders for this model.

A Hexagonal Spanner:

I used two pipes for this one and bridged them.

An Octagonal Spanner:

I used two pipes here too.

A Motorcycle Ramp:

I used a lot of cubes and cylinders to make this ramp.

Here is the final ones:

Well, That's all for now!
Thanks for visiting!


~~~~~~~Chinmayee. S


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